It is time for our weekly series again that aims to present the thoughts of various thinkers on the nature of freedom.
These quotes from thinkers, statesmen, writers, and philosophers highlight:
- the value of various individual freedoms, including freedom of speech and thought, academic freedom, freedom over one's personal way of life, etc.
- the importance of value-based governance, and the dangers and harm of corrupt practices.
We will publish these insights every week, sharing with you thoughts from thinkers both East and West, contemporary and ancient.
Please share these insights with your friends and circle, either on Substack, Facebook, or X.
Friedrich August von Hayek, economist and philosopher (1899-1992)
Voltaire, philosopher (1694-1778)
Winston Churchill, British statesman (1874-1965)
Is there no limit to which the corrupt 'Establishment' will not go to depopulate humanity?
Strangely, 'Bovaer' seems to be another of Bill Gates's surreptitious plans to depopulate the planet by smuggling poison into the human food chain under the guise of minimising 'carbon' emitted from cattle and other farm animals FARTING! In reality, it is designed to poison the population by making males infertile!
Bovaer has absolutely nothing to do with Cows farting!
Boycott all Bovaer-poisoned food = Arla products contain Bovaer! Say NO to Arla products!
Another Gates product is Apeel which is a poisonous coating that supposedly slows down the deterioration of fresh fruit and vegetables. This material remains on the skins and cannot be washed off. Whether it permeates the skin is as yet unknown! Beware!
There is already a high awareness that Arla products are unsafe - if not population-reducing. We must raise awareness of all food products using this formulation to facilitate planet depopulation. Please check all grocery for these poisons being used in or on the foods you buy.
Gates recently bought a Dutch ARTIFICIAL MEAT company called Picnic. Who knows what is contained in this 'food source'?
Beware of all ARLA products and boycott them if they include any materials that might be harmful to humans as they could reduce the population by causing infertility.
By now you should recognise that we are in a war for survival.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by avoiding all food which Bill Gates has contaminated!
Excellent ideas to assist us in shedding the light of truth into the dark corners where suppression of our freedoms grows like a mold