Fighting Goliath is not "too late" as those who want the past 5 years of skulduggery forgotten.

We must keep raising the coordinated corruption that took place during the creation and carefully planned release of Covid, which served several purposes.

It was a decades long Plan to test human gullibility, the world population's ability to question 'authority', the ease of controlling (locking down) the population by fear of the unknown, and the ability to inject poisonous mRNA into the world's population whilst simultaneously creating a vast stream of wealth for those financing and invested in the Covid & Vax propaganda.

In 2022 I visited a small scale British protest meeting called "Stand in the Park", which was a spin-off the 'Lock-Down Laws' that were imposed by those testing the British public;s resistance.

I wore one of many controversial tee-shirts stating "Experimental Vax = No thanks" (front) and "Don't mention IVERMECTIN" (back). Another 'protester' came up to me and said "You're a bit out of date - you should be focussing on Russia's invasion of Ukraine".

That statement typifies the ignorance of humanity. He has no idea that Covid was Part One of the Plan to inject mRNA into every human (except the WEF's Elites) and use the genetically modified 'sub-humans' as their slaves.

You will eat bugs, own nothing but you will be happy" As professed by the insane Adolf Schwab!

They wanted to know how many humans would accept a speedily prepared poison being injected into their bodies. They were amazed that around 75% of the planet accepted this depopulation exercise.

They wanted to know if humanity would accept a poisonous injection that the manufacturers (Pfizer etc,) denied all/any responsibility (LIABILITY) for vax related injuries and vax related DEATHS. Unbelievably, the public bought into this deadly Plan and still our Governments permit this Cull!

The bottom line is; We are still fighting Goliath, because Covid was just the tip of the iceberg! Bill Gates has stated "They won't believe how the next disease will impact them"! It's coming and Gates's WHO are trying, by their pretend TREATY', to dominate world health so he can join the others who regard themselves as 'the Chosen ones' by using those who believed their Governments were only trying to help humanity. The purpose of the Scam Treaty is to control our everyday movements, activities, conversations and behaviour!

Freedom is coming to an end if we don't wake up to reality!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt medical practices, driven by greed and serving the New World Order!

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It’s more indexed archive than book in structure and will therefore remain a reference source for a long time.

I’d like to see them write a “proper” book on the affair, selecting from their many posts and articles and synthesising further the general reader.

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unfortunately, one of the reasons the grift has not been fully understood, is that the data was simply too dense and many of the expositors were unable or unwilling to dumb it down. it was too important and shit, the whole dirty deal needed exposing. is it too late to make a "Readers Digest" type antidote? probably dammit. (sorry for the "downer," it's wed. and i'm a bit hungover).

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I have no idea if my stuff would be a "Readers Digest" type antidote but here's my link.


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You can try my link if you wish. My Covid 19 Summary link on WordPress is where I started in 2020 and is contained within my substack post.


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It wasn't flawed science. It was all planned, they knew exactly what they were doing from the very start.

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Excellent review. Thank you!

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Hi Hannes

Fabulous review, thank you for taking the time to read and distill it.

I see your clear thinking mind and so I’ll add my aside for you to pick up or not.

There was another way cv19 deaths occurred in 2020. Do you remember the ventilator deaths?

Oxygen is the perfect poison for murderers employed in a hospital.

My article is titled: We breathe air not oxygen. I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud. We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust. Our physiology is underpinned by hydration not oxygenation. ZERO oxygen required.

The difference between air and oxygen is the moisture content, nothing else.

Oxygen is made from air by stripping air of moisture to the parts per million of water contamination. Oxygen is SUPER SUPER SUPER DRY air.

Nitrogen is a product of oxygen.

Nitrogen is SUPER SUPER SUPER DRY air plus carbon particles. Nitr o gen is black oxygen or synthetic smoke. It’s dry but will not cause combustion.

Reality, air is measured by its moisture at a given temperature and this is called humidity. 100% humidity is dew point or drop point.

Lungs work best with humidity between 30-50% humidity. Too dry they struggle, too moist they struggle.

Oxygen and nitrogen have zero humidity. They therefore do not make up 99% of the air we breathe.

We’ve been schooled faux instead of facts. The criminal class exploit us, full/fool us with faux and made a mockery of the A students were get honours for repeating the non-science.

The lungs are responsible for hydration not oxygenation. The RBCs receive salt water not oxygen. There is no gaseous exchange. The lungs rehydrate the RBCs just like an IV saline infusion. The red light monitoring is checking hydration not oxygenation.

Oxygen being manmade and the exact opposite of what the lungs require.

And there is no naturally occurring oxygen or nitrogen in air.

There is more because now you’ll be asking well what is air? if it doesn’t contain oxygen and nitrogen or the other 1% of manufactured gases.

And I have an explanation for that as well.

So if you are ready to confront your schooled daze programming, click on my blue icon and read my three articles. Ponder and research.

Truth loves scrutiny.

Faux requires gatekeepers and strict adherence to dogma.

Science and medicine are the WILD WEST and there’s fraud to find in them hills.

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Many thanks. The David and Goliath analogy is very helpful. I did my own summary in 2020 on my WordPress site which I added to as more information was available and as I had time to do the various articles. It is in here for anyone interested.

It is not intended to be especially academic and I do use humour at times.

Ultimately COVID 19 was a psy-op from start to finish using the seasonal 'flu as a basis fooling the dumbed down masses who failed to double check.

The pandemic was one of fear and panic but not of an alleged pathogenic virus.


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Never forget,...never forgive !

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I see a double edge sword of PCR testing that was effectively then ineffectively used to belie Covid and vaccine statistics. Previous to any Covid vaccine there were local and worldwide statistics of increasing Covid deaths (based on false positive PCR results) broadcasted on MSM 24/7. These statistics were used to claim an emergency pandemic by the W.H.O., enforced by authoritative decrees and executive orders to justify lockdowns, masking mandates, social restrictions, censorship and loss of freedoms. Once a vaccine was developed, it actually didn’t stop any transmission or even deaths, so it became necessary to invent a booster, then another booster, another, another and another. The false positives from an inapplicable PCR test kept the Covid numbers high and in reality negated any benefit to Covid vaccinations. This the PCR sword swung favorably but then swung back unfavorably.

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