Feb 13Liked by Hannes Sarv

It will be interesting to see whether Mr Murray ever deals with the crowd madness that he fell into in its Covid manifestation.

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I haven't specifically followed his attitude towards Covid - do you refer to anything in particular? I think there might be a lot of people who would rather not remember at least some aspects of their opinions/behavior.

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Feb 14Liked by Hannes Sarv

He was all aboard the narrative train. I remember seeing him on Rogan waxing lyrical about the horrible devastation caused by the disease and thinking, "He's fallen straight into the very trap he has been warning about for years." Peter Hitchens wrote an article about his frustration with Murray insisting on "staying on the fence". https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-won-t-others-take-sides-on-the-most-important-political-issue-for-60-years-/

Of course, virtually the entire "Intellectual Dark Web" crew went the same way—the Weinsteins, Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Nassim Taleb, Christina Hoff Sommers, Ben Shapiro, Clair Lehman, Stephen Pinker, Michael Shermer; all of them fell hook, line and sinker for the scam they should have been perfectly positioned to spot. Maajid Nawaz was the only one who woke up in time to say anything at a point when saying something could have counted, but the collective constitutes a conundrum in need of explanation. I suspect that there was some kind of indoctrination going on at Brockman's Edge Organisation, which many of these names frequented.

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At least some of the people you mention surely have made some corrections, I think. But you of course have a point here. I remember myself at one point being really surprised of Taleb not looking at the whole thing critically having himself written loads about Big Pharma and their tactics. But who am I to judge as I myself was on board with the story as well for too long and did not protest. Not everyone has the same critical thinking skills as you, Nick ;).

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It won't matter, as it appears we will ALL be either non-human or dead very soon:

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