Good morning. I think your consistent emphasis on countering the CO2 story makes the same error that the ‘other side’ do; a single minded emphasis on the role of carbon reduction. I am interested in physics, and the physics is simple – rising CO2 in the atmosphere will increase the earth surface temperature, as your recent link to Dr Curry points out. The analogy of CO2 saturation functioning like loft insulation is totally wrong in this context (https://skepticalscience.com/at-a-glance-saturate.html).

The physics of greenhouse gases may be simple, but climate is a complex systems. You would give a more balanced and credible picture if your posts reflected the complex nature of the climate– eg I have never seen any posts of yours about the negative warming effects of man made SO2, which would bolster your arguments. (https://brage.npolar.no/npolar-xmlui/bitstream/handle/11250/173059/Meddelelser119.pdf?sequence=1)

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Hello, Ian and thank you for the comment. These posts always point to news items we find noteworthy and these research papers by Polish scientists of course are. You cannot seriously consider such 'skeptical science' blogs somehow better than the work of real scientists who publish peer-reviewed papers. Or? And the other thing. As long as the 'other side' spends billions of public money on dealing with CO2, e.g. capturing the gas from the air and turning it to stone, it is of course worth pointing to scientific research that simply says this is nonsense.

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CO2 has done all the so-called greenhouse effect when it is above 200.

The accurate and repeated assessment of ice cores from both north and south hemispheres demonstrate conclusively that oceanic temperatures and the level of CO2 in the atmosphere rise and fall together, and there is a LONG lag between the rise of the ocean temperature and the rise of the CO2 percentage in the atmosphere.

All else is humbug.

The sure and certain substance which acts as the variable atmospheric component of the complex of influences on climate is water vapour. Many orders of magnitude higher than anything else.

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