Competent and conscientious medical professionals use masks properly and know that they do what they are intended to do, stop droplet spread in local vicinity; surgeons have proven it effective for years.

Selfish, careless and ignorant people did not use the masks as directed - the most egregious error being those morons who only covered their mouths and left their noses sticking out making a mockery of the instructions.

Spoiled, selfish, self-centred first world citizens flouted the small number of essential features of the protocol to avoid transmission via the breaths blown out from both nose and mouth.

We now know that optional compliance should not be used next time, strict rules with severe penalties should be used from now on.

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So the Aussies have paid out 20.5 Euros so far. Knowing governments propensity to avoid reality and responsibility, the sum paid out equates to 20,500,000 persons each receiving ONE EURO!

In the real world, this LIABILITY should be borne by the manufacturers of these deadly but useless injections = Pfizer, Moderna, etc, .

Zero Liability says it all! All drugs must carry a manufacturer's assurance they are safe and effective and will not kill or maim the masses that are sold lies and Bullshit by the members of the New World Order!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Insert 'TRUTH' where Von Der Leyen uses 'DISINFORMATION' and you'll understand what's going on.

Von der Leyen (Unelected by the people)! A key member in Adolf Schwab's New World Order and now pretending that disinformation is not the TRUTH! She's close to the top of our list of undesirables.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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