Yesterday on the BBC's Question Time Nigel Farage dared to say lockdowns were the biggest mistake we had ever made and got no support whatsoever for his point of view. ON the contrary there was a shocked silence and an earnest question from Fiona Bruce "Are you saying lockdowns were wrong?" Almost everything about the official response to COVID-19 was wrong from the RT-PCR test to the remedies tat were enforced. The non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI's) werer reminiscent of scattering rose petals to ward off the black death. The masks reminded me of the hoods with beaks stuffed with petals worn by the physicians. The propaganda surrounding vaccines including the lie that you take a jab for the community and refusal meant you were intent on killing your granny. The chilling callousness of keeping those in care homes from seeing their loved ones. I could go on and on. As for only following the science and its being settled, both are anathema to the serious practitioners. There was no science behind social distancing. A tour of Europe showed that the could be anywhere from 1 metre to 2 metres. Evidence for or against wearing masks was absent but Dr I-am-the-Science Fauci advised using two masks. We even had instructions about to knit one! That alone should have sent people into fits of laughter but it didn't! In fact, on that fateful weekend in March 2020, the western world went completely mad and succumbed to social psychosis just as our forebears had done in the past. Sweden was the only exception and became a pariah. Anyone listening to the UK Covid-19 Hallett Inquiry would be unable to escape the conclusion that we should do everything in our power to ensure we never again repeat any of this when faced with a future epidemic. I live in hope.

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Smart overview of the insanity and unscientific nature of the so-called pandemic response! Indeed, Sweden was an exception in Europe, but there were several states in the US (South Dakota, Florida, Texas etc) that refrained from lockdowns, school closures, vaccination mandates, etc.

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It seems we're going to have to take the initiative and physically stop Governments removing or/and contaminating food sources from our producers and the food supply chain!

I'd rather eat proper food, even if it's been deliberately contaminated with Bird flu or any other deliberate spoiler they can dream up. Better than Gates's artificial meat or Adolf Schwab's bug diet!

I'd trust my natural resistance which has not been destroyed by fictitious useless, dangerous injected pretend Covid Cures that can KILL, MAIM or simply shorten your LIFE EXPECTANCY.

DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER INJECTION (VACCINE)! They are now designed to reduce natural immunity and every shot you take (took) has a negative impact on your natural resistance = LIFE EXPECTANCY!

Unbelievably, the injection (VAX) makers still demand ZERO LIABILITY must apply to their 'medicines'.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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deletedMay 14Liked by Hannes Sarv
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Very well summed up!

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