Thanks for cross posting. I don’t claim to be an “expert” but if these weird local climate extremes aren’t due to Hunga Tonga (here we have had essentially the same extreme mild, humid weather for months on end with almost no rain) then something is “weirding” the weather and it damn sure isn’t CO2.

Of course, a conspiracy theorist (not me) would suggest that the obsession with reducing CO2 may have something to do with ensuring lower crop and vegetation yields leading to food and feed shortages, leading to population reduction, but that would be crazy talk of course.

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Totally cray cray I agree😜

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True, it is established that the level of carbon dioxide changes in synchrony with ocean temperature and lagging behind by more than a century - warmed sea water dissolves less gas and cold sea water dissolves more of the gas. CO2 follows, ocean temperature leads.

The solar magnetic field cyclical change pattern is ONE of the drivers of climate change, it is not the sole factor. There needs to be a Grand Solar Minimum AND the large masses of the planets, mainly Jupiter and Saturn need to be at their maximum distance from the Sun together to bring on the degree of cooling known to have happened at the Maunder Minimum.

Try to avoid using the "little ice age" meme - we are in a very prolonged ice age already, the definition being that there is a polar cap and just now, at both poles.

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Historically (before we used petro chem fertilizers to grow our food)... prosperity in terms of food surpluses... happened during the warmest periods of time....

And starvation raged ... during the colder periods...

Warm = good.

CO2 = good.

There are those who argue that humans were put on the planet for the purpose of releasing trapped CO2... now that we've done our job ... we are headed for extinction

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💯💯👍👏👏Valentina's work is excellent and the reason that I as an organic farmer, laugh uproariously when people begin to prattle about climate change.

Yes it changes, all the damn time, and it has cycles that we cannot even fathom in our teeny tiny lifespans. The sun has its own cycles, as does the moon, the water, the soil, the air. And all have been influenced by humanity, but only humanity has the hubris to believe that they are the SOLE influence on these celestial, natural cycles. 😉🙄😂😂😂

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zharkova mentioned the 4 big outer planets which are now lining up on the same side of the sun which is likely to increase siesmic activity on Earth ,this alignment will come to a peak in october 2024 and could trigger some large earthquakes or volcanic eruptions around this time.John Casey wrote a book called 'Upheaval' where he discusses solar activity and siesmic activity and concludes the next 30 years will be a significant time for this.

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Thank you for the reference on solar activity!

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Mr. Sarv - The net zero WEF ESG cartel has one enemy - the truth, and one goal - to "save" the planet - for themselves.

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As a fellow Astrophysicist, I can only concur. I'll also point out that CO2 released into the atmosphere is NOT the amount of CO2 that remains in the atmopshere. See Boyles Law of Partial Pressures for further details . . .

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I thought it was Dalton's law.

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John Casey wrote this exact information many years ago in his book The Cold Sun.

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Some sanity among the credentialed opposite the politicians that are screaming climate change .

Good article ,having read many similar arguments to support the Professor's statements.

This from a simple researcher ,myself,trying to swim through the propaganda /narrative meant to obfuscate the truth for ulterior motives .

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If you have a Soda Stream you can try this out at home. Next time you get a bunch of Roses put half in CO2 water, and half in non fizzy water. The Roses in CO2 live twice as long. Crazy but true!

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How much longer can the anthropogenic warming narrative survive?

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much longer than intelligent, logically thinking people would believe possible. How many of us would have guessed in early 2021 when the horrific injuries and deaths from the covid jab started showing up in VAERS (likely only 1 in 100 actually getting reported) that the "safe and effective" narrative would still be going on more than 3 years later? And that many (most?) people who took the jab still refuse to believe the jab injured them.

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As long as “they” want because “they” get to lie, falsify data, penalize real scientists and control the narrative.

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Thank you Dr. Zharkova, I will share widely especially with my grandson studying physics and maths at Durham and soon to be studying for his masters at Oxford, and to my brainwashed sister who despite what she sees everyday blames “global warming” on man, and finally a friend whose husband was a navigator in the RAF, and have covered their home in solar panels, and deny all the chem trails, Geoengineering, weather manipulation we witness daily. Thank you Joel for introducing this professor to the conversation.

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The worrying thing about this is this person is a professor. She's correct about most points but does factor into the fact that growing populations cause growing amounts of CO², and the fact we are producing more than a natural amount.

She does point out how CO² is used in garden centres which isn't a natural or gradual increase of CO²

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CO2 is quite low now. Most of the time that there has been life on earth the level of CO2 has been higher and while it has been higher there have been very warm periods and very cold ice ages. Climate is changed by other things, not carbon dioxide.

Zhakova is showing that variation in the magnetic field of the sun is currently one of the major changes in the solar system which has the power to alter the climate of the planet. It is bringing a stop to the rise in temperature and will cause a drop lasting until at earliest 2035 and she and others do not use "ice age" and do not claim that there will be a crisis.

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I know that the sun does go through cycles of amount energy it releases, and at the moment it's going through a big one.

But the release of gasses, not just CO², that are not a natural event, the planet cannot react quick enough to cope with it.

Just ask yourself in I lived in a house sized bubble which travelled with you wherever you go so you kept the same atmosphere ie totally cut off from the outside, but with a small oxygen generator.

Would you be happy with an increase of CO² gas in your bubble?

And you're going to say but I don't live in a bubble, unfortunately you do, we all do, it's planet earth, but because of its size relative to use we assume it doesn't matter, but it does, why can no one else see this obvious thing?

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Take note, there are two separate and not connected variations in the sun which are relevant to this discussion.

One cycle, the brightness of the sun changes the amount of total energy shone on our planet.

The other cycle, the magnetic field of the sun, is the one being discussed. This is the big change happening as we speak.

Usually there is a magnetic field around all the planets which comes from the sun and because it is there, some of the cosmic rays coming from outside the solar system are deflected away. That means there are less particles entering our atmosphere and seeding cloud crystals.

Water vapour and clouds are the major things that act as greenhouse effect and either blanket or reflector. So, less shade gives warmer oceans and more shade gives colder oceans.

Change in the atmospheric percentage of carbon dioxide has almost nothing to do with this sun magnetic protection change issue which is vastly greater than any change from the beginning of the industrial revolution to today.

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Whatever, I'm sick of talk about things like this with people who "know" they are right

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Lately I feel like we're in an anti-Copernican-Galileo time warp. The earth's climate does not revolve around us puny humans, and the astrophysics we have to prove it are heresy punishable by excommunication from the academic realm, and our EV-worshipping jab-taking childless-by-choice vegetarian offspring refuse to come at Christmas or Thanksgiving in case they have to listen to science.

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As and engineer I have for many years believed that the earths atmosphere was controlled by the sun, just as Professor Valentina Zharkova described. The people who push the theory that the population controls the fluctuations in our atmosphere through co2 are rich and want to make more money. It has nothing to do with the gas of life co2!

I appreciate the professors ability to withstand the bizarre antics of the untold numbers that press on with their hallucinations of the co2 effect on earths climate.

Thank You

I Stand With all of you that understand world weather.

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Solar eclipse, global warming, global cooling agenda 2030, net zero by 2040/45/50? The second coming of christ, six million dead Jewish which comes up many times, pre war world war one, post world war one. There was a monk a thousand years ago that predicted the end of the world & it never happened. The year 2000 then 2012, we as a species are mere playthings for the idiots supposedly incharge. What ever happening, polar shift, earth's orbit around the sun, the sun ramping up/down in activity? In the late 1800s they were talking of global cooling, a few years later it was global warming, just admit it we haven't got a clue, look at cern, there is a very small chance they could destroy the earth & there building an even bigger one with our taxes & what about star forts, the one off the coast of florida is enormous & thousands of years old. There have been advanced civilisationsin the past & for what ever reason they've virtually wiped themselves out. The powers that be know more than there cottoning on , otherwise why have they built military installations in/on ancient star forts, they've built power stations on some, nuclear test sites on some, mining of others & weather modification (HARRP) & there not just in America, there world wide connecting earth's magnetic lay lines

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