To Our 1000+ Readers: Thank You For Your Trust!
Freedom Research arrived at an important milestone last week and crossed the 1000 subscriber threshold. We are very grateful that you have found us.
“21st century is witnessing a new rise of a belief that state authority is superior to individual choices, and intervention from power groups (both state and corporate) is indispensable in solving the problems of humankind. More restrictions and top-down subordinations are advocated to achieve progress ‘in saving the planet’, while health decisions are being mandated ‘for the greater good’. Mainstream groupthinking is increasingly used for swaying the prevailing mindsets and restricting free speech, being driven by specific interests and ideologies. Those that do not run with the majority, often wind up stigmatized or even expelled from public life, fired from their jobs etc. It is as though very little has been learnt from the tragedies of the previous century.”
This quote is from our very first post published a bit more than a year ago at the end of March 2023, Individual Freedoms and Why They Matter. This particular paragraph bears the essence of why Freedom Research was born. In our About section, we say that 'we are a consortium of international researchers looking deep into the overreach of state and corporate powers, authoritarian tendencies and command-and-control attitude, and how to stand up for our individual freedoms'. This is all true, of course, and that is what we aim to do.
The problem, or the tragedy, which we perceived clearly, was that suddenly all rationality had disappeared from public space. We were in a situation where the state was telling us that 'science' wanted us to stay 2 meters (6 feet) apart, mandated masks in public spaces, prescribed injections of a novel medicine, and so on. The press repeated exactly what the authorities told them, although as time went on, the authorities' lies about 'science' became more and more ridiculous. At the same time, however, those who questioned whether there was any justification for all this – even well-known and respected scientists who said it was not science the approach was based on – faced censorship and cancellation. Most shockingly of all, however, people who exercised their right to protest against the life- and job-destroying policy of lockdowns, or against vaccination under a threat of dismissal, were attacked by the police with the harshest of force. Authoritarian countries such as China, Belarus, or Russia, where such methods are consistently used on the opposition, should have served as a warning to us, not as an example, we thought. But Western leaders – Canada's Justin Trudeau is the prime example, but there are others not far behind – gladly continue adapting Chinese methods, which shows clearly how the values we have held dear have come under constant attack. And I am not only talking about senseless Covid policies but also about an urge to build up technological means for a surveillance state which China has pioneered in and made it work quite effortlessly by now.
Of course, we can say that nothing has happened overnight in the West. The movement towards a situation in which the authorities are pushing people into ever narrower confines and suppressing our rights, or even attacking people individually who have become inconvenient to the authorities (e.g. Julian Assange), has been going on for a long time. And yet, the pandemic policies changed something important for our society as a whole. We are now living in a situation where rights and freedoms that we used to take for granted and did not believe could be repealed simply by some government decree are no longer perceived in such a position.
This is complemented by the ever-increasing pressure from the powers that be to suppress the most important freedom for society: the freedom of expression. The system of calling facts 'disinformation' or 'misinformation', as well as the hate speech laws being introduced around the world to criminally punish 'wrongthink' by people, serve only one purpose - to transform thinking citizens into obedient subjects. Traditional journalism, however, does not protest against this, because it not only agrees with the system but actually makes extra money servicing it, e.g. by 'fact-checking' the facts. In the end, however, the price to pay will be the collapse of a free society, since a free society is possible only in the presence of freedom of expression. And when society is no longer free, there will be nobody to prevent the powers from implementing policies that can hardly serve the interests of people, the environment, or nature as a whole.

But we don't agree with such a strategy. We argue for a better world. And we know there are many of us. And we are thankful that so many have joined our community. We have now surpassed the 1,000 subscribers benchmark, and we will do our best to continue bringing you high quality analyses, journalistic coverage, interviews and podcasts, and reflections on issues that affect our freedoms and the state of society at large. And hopefully, make the world a bit better place.
Two humble requests from our side
I ask all of you to share our content amidst your circle of friends, colleagues, similarly minded people, etc, so that we could reach an even larger audience and contribute to a change for the better.
I would also plead those who are able to become our paying subscribers, as it is only with the support of our readers that we can continue bringing you relevant content and continue to evolve in doing so.
It does not matter if you agree or disagree with all of our content, what is important is that you find some of it valuable and helpful for yourself, and your comments and questions are always welcome. Our authors will try to participate in the discussion as much as they can.
Thank you and please enjoy!
Here are ten of our prominent articles from the last year that we would like to highlight for our new readers:
Dr Robert W. Malone: On Propaganda Stunts and Why No One Seems to Care about Non-Covid Excess Deaths
Dr. Jennifer Marohasy: There Is No Climate Crisis
Five evidence-based early known Covid facts - ignored and censored
Analysis: GLOBAL BOILING ERA - untouched disinformation or when fact-checking goes silent, part 1
Analysis: IMPACT OF IMMIGRATION - when fact-checking goes silent, part 2
The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine
Professor Valentina Zharkova and the Little Ice Age Which Has Already Started