This great article pretty much distills it. Keep em Rolling.

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Jun 1Liked by Freedom Research

The evidence cited by Professor Plimer in this short article is sufficient, on its own, to end the fiasco that is the “global climate boiling change”.

CO2 released as a consequence of human activities does not & cannot cause dangerous global warming.

Anyone can find the original research articles to which Ian Plimer refers.

It’s important that readers retain this article and I suggest as hard copy, so that they can show others.

Best wishes


Ps: I too have been honoured with a Wikipedia entry since 2020. It states I’m a conspiracy theorist and a purveyor of misinformation.

Correction. I’ve repeatedly pointed out that there is undoubtedly a conspiracy. There’s nothing theoretical about it.

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Thank you for your succinct and straightforward message on the 'boiling climate'.

We will continue to bring to the more open-minded public the facts, assessments and messages of rational thinkers on various crucial issues, which often differ from the power lines and conventional narratives in various fields. The more people embrace to critical thinking and non-emotional viewpoints, the more they are likely to reject restrictions and limitations on their individual freedoms and self-determination.

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I look forward to the day when you get your own entry in Encyclopedia Britannica, Mike.

Sadly, nobody who I warned to avoid the Covid jabs took me seriously, in no small measure because I already outed myself as a conspiracy theorist by telling them since the late 1990s to doubt catastrophic anthropogenic global warming and since 2003 to be very suspicious of the official nine eleven story. Apparently, my social credibility has been down there in the gutter for a long time.

We (the collective, general we) are conditioned to believe, accept, or ignore a lot of things in order to fit it, and our controllers have developed the manipulation of our opinions, responses and behavior into a fine art. It isn't easy to break that conditioning or to go against the projected consensus.

Having said that, I think the tide may be turning on all this BS. Surely even the most mundane average ordinary normies must be catching on that not all is well with the mass media narratives they are encouraged to consume? So, I think what we might want to encourage now is a mass public dumping of TV sets and a cancelling of newspaper subscriptions. Those two media are symbols of the propaganda system we live under. And, it seems to be happening.

It is said (attributed to Menken) that nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public, but perhaps the media will finally managed to achieve the feat of turning or pissing everybody off.

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I appreciate your response. Of course, the last place you really want to appear in is the Great British Book of Lies :)

Like many people, I found 2020 very discombobulating, because as far as I was concerned, I was uncovering THE lie. It took some time to realise that more or less everything important we’re told is lies. Why would the perpetrators tell us the truth about something of importance, when they don’t have to?

Like you, I am hoping they overplay their hand somewhat. Though it has to be recognized that the perpetrators have been at this game rather longer than is comfortable to acknowledge.

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and the next time I get a beating message from Jimmy Wales about donating to Wikipedia ...........................why on earth would I subscribe or support such a platform..f...... off!

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Freedom Research

Am I wrong in believing that the term ‘Global boiling’ originated last year when UN Secretary General Guterres confused a report of 100F measured in the sea off the Florida coast with 100C, and then failed to correct his ridiculous error.

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And the "fact-checkers" have remained silent, how strange?:)

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Cheers! Spot on John.

I came to comment for that reason alone, to deride the abysmal ignorance of powerful actors on the world stage.

Not to automatically check whether the number is Celsius or Fahrenheit is rank stupidity, but to declare it to the whole world, appalling.

One other thing, the incoming solar radiation heats the OCEANS and the LAND and then the energy is exchanged with the atmosphere. This always get up the nose of Jennifer Marohasey who has done brilliant work on temperature predictions with AI and reports regularly on the true state of our Great Barrier Reef

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May 31Liked by Freedom Research

This is the best takedown of the stupidity that I have seen yet. If only the cretins that need to read it ever would

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Jun 1Liked by Freedom Research

I have noticed that the moment it is pointed out that wind and solar are a poor choice for most location there is shouting of emotional slogans. What does work are modern reactors which burn much more of the fuel (far less waste) and what should be happening is small modular reactors to reduce transmission losses and development of Thorium reactors (there are mountains of thorium ore). BTW Thorium is laughably easy to Enrich (look up The Atomic Boy Scout). In other words facts are unwanted by government in this debate thus implying it’s all manipulation.

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Jun 1Liked by Freedom Research

I'm glad to say I'm pretty much spot with everything Professor Plimer says in my recent paper "Debunking the climate change hoax", also hosted by Joel: https://metatron.substack.com/p/debunking-the-climate-change-hoax

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Jun 1Liked by Freedom Research

Brilliant article!!!👏👏👏👏

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Jun 1Liked by Freedom Research

Superb article and summary of the main points of the scam.

The highest CO2 concentration number I ever read of was 3000 to 9000ppm though, or 0.3-0.9%, not 20%. You might want to look into this figure for credibility purposes or provide an explanation/evidence.

I would add that this scam is not solely about money. It is, and in the beginning primarily was, about OTHER people getting that money and, above all, power. People who would never ever have had a chance to make it in the old, common sense based capitalist, system- see the German Green parties personnel for the perfect example. That also explains the religious, cultish character of the whole thing, which in turn makes it so difficult if not impossible to put back into the bottle again with such scientific facts and stellar reasoning.

On coal, one might also want to add that it can be burnt rather cleanly these days, that the filtered out components are useful and reused so much that shortages of them are now occurring and that burning coal is much more climate friendly (if one believes in that scam) than burning LNG, due to the latter's methane slip and general inefficiency, not to speak of fracking's environmental impact.


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I got an answer from Professor Plimer: "Most of the Proterozoic, especially the Neoproterozoic, had at least. 10% and maybe 20% CO2 in the atmosphere. How do we know? We measure the volume of Neoproterozoic dolomites and dolomitic siltstones (marine sedimentary rocks) which contain 48% CO2, the CO2 for this rock came from the atmosphere and we then back calculate the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to form that volume of dolomite. This is validated by experimental mineralogy shows that dolomite can only precipitate in a marine environment when the atmospheric CO2 content is extremely high. I suspect that the reader was referring to the calculated figure for the Cambrian."

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Thank you for the clarification.

Exactly what's needed in that debate.

And an incredible number, which makes the 0.04% culprit story even more absurd than it already is when it is compared to the usually cited 3000ppm figures.

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I will ask about the CO2 from the Professor to sort it out. Thank you.

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Indeed, the religious, cultish character of the whole thing is quite obvious

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Excellent review.

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The UN Secretary General is an idiot. NOAA is also complicit in burying projections such as from the following event.

Water vapor is a potent gas. True.

Weather will be warmer than usual for SEVERAL years. Also true.

Geophys Res Lett. 2022 Jul 16; 49(13): e2022GL099381. 

Published online 2022 Jul 1. doi: 10.1029/2022GL099381

PMCID: PMC9285945

PMID: 35865735

The Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai Hydration of the Stratosphere

L. Millán, 1 M. L. Santee, 1 A. Lambert, 1 N. J. Livesey, 1 F. Werner, 1 M. J. Schwartz, 1 H. C. Pumphrey, 2 G. L. Manney, 3 , 4 Y. Wang, 1 , 5 H. Su, 1 L. Wu, 1 W. G. Read, 1 and L. Froidevaux 1


Following the 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai eruption, several trace gases measured by the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) displayed anomalous stratospheric values. Trajectories and radiance simulations confirm that the H2O, SO2, and HCl enhancements were injected by the eruption. In comparison with those from previous eruptions, the SO2 and HCl mass injections were unexceptional, although they reached higher altitudes. In contrast, the H2O injection was unprecedented in both magnitude (far exceeding any previous values in the 17‐year MLS record) and altitude (penetrating into the mesosphere). We estimate the mass of H2O injected into the stratosphere to be 146 ± 5 Tg, or ∼10% of the stratospheric burden. It may take several years for the H2O plume to dissipate. This eruption could impact climate not through surface cooling due to sulfate aerosols, but rather through surface warming due to the radiative forcing from the excess stratospheric H2O.

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The only " Global boiling " that could happen is the one that would issue from irresponsible interactions between US, NATO, EU, UKRAINE and RUSSIA.

If this one happens, I suppose that the survivors will probably have to care for something else.

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Hark, the Emperor has no clothes!

That is what I think of most of the things government does.

They are truly evil 😈 😔

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Ian is great. Just reading his Green Murder book. The trouble with the truth is that it's not popular but it needs to be.

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I will now explain why EVs - which are not in any way shape or form 'Green' - exist.

And why the Ministry of Truth runs endless hype campaigns promoting planet-saving EVs and why governments subsidize them to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Consider this statement: We are steaming oil out of sand, drilling miles beneath oceans for oil, drilling hundreds of thousands of holes in the ground, dropping in bombs - then sucking up the dregs. And we can’t wait to start mining the Arctic, one of the most inhospitable regions of the planet, for oil.

Surely, given we are completely reliant on fossil fuel energy to power our civilization we should be concerned that these methods of oil extraction appear to be to put it bluntly... desperate.

Surely any objective observer would look at this and think.... hmmm.... if there is so much of the easy stuff remaining ... why we do we steam oil out of sand?

This is where the lunatics (or trolls) chyme in and scream “oil is abiotic - the oil wells refill’ Except that they are not refilling and we continue to steam oil out of sand.


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