Was there even a Covid pandemic? No, says Martin Neil, professor in Computer Science and Statistics at Queen Mary, University of London. Yes, there was a virus and there was excess mortality, but not like it was presented, he explains. “We had significant excess mortality, but only locally, not globally. Even within an individual country, we would see a spike in excess mortality locally in some areas, for example in London, in March and April of 2020, but nowhere else – nothing in Northern Ireland, nothing in Scotland. No sign of anything unusual going on,” Neil says. Similar examples can be drawn from the data in Italy, Germany, France, the United States, etc. “That doesn't make any sense,” Neil says.
On top of that it can be easily shown that the Covid death numbers were inflated, he adds. “How deaths were classified as Covid-19 was very unusual, very biased. Because anyone who died within 28 days of having a positive PCR-test, was classified as a Covid-19 death,” Neil says and explains that actually, the people who died had significant comorbidities. “So they were very unhealthy, very vulnerable. They were subject to PCR testing on a regular basis. So inevitably if everyone in old people's home are subject to PCR testing – when they do that, they are going to have a proportion of PCR positives. So that is systematic biasing,” he says.
These are just two aspects of what Neil and his colleague Norman Fenton, Emeritus Professor of Risk at Queen Mary, University of London, have started to call a 'Covid event' instead of a 'pandemic'. During the last few years, their research has shown that Covid was not as big a threat as it was presented to be. Their analysis shows that there was never any justification for lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, and other coercive measures; that medical response did more harm than good in many cases, etc. Their Substack “Where are the numbers?” is on our recommendations list as a source of solid fact-based statistical analysis of Covid and other important topics. Their research on Covid is now published as a book with a telling name - “Fighting Goliath”.
I have interviewed both Neil and Fenton before – you can find the previous stories here and here.
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