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FREEDOM RESEARCH TV. Dr. Meryl Nass. Persecution of Doctors Who Refused To Parrot Covid Propaganda and Why Nobody Wants To Talk about 'Informed Consent' Any More

In an interview with us, Dr. Meryl Nass discusses how the medical board got her license suspended, what has happened to 'informed consent' in medicine, and how the WHO is trying to broaden its powers.

There are not many doctors and scientists who speak about issues that concern the wrong decisions made by the governments in the Covid crisis, the serious side effects of Covid vaccines, non-Covid excess mortality, which is still running hot, and so on. “Pretty much everybody who discusses those issues has lost their job already or been blacklisted in one way or another," Nass explains.

When we met with Nass for an interview in Tallinn, Estonia, in the second half of November, she had just attended the International Crisis Summit IV in Bucharest, Romania. "Almost every doctor there had already been punished. The powers that be do not want people to know what the consequences are of the measures they imposed (in the Covid crisis – HS)," she said.

Dr. Nass is an internal medicine physician with extensive experience in a variety of fields, including vaccines and vaccine safety, epidemics and disease outbreaks. You can find her on Substack here.

You can also read an article based on our interview here.

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